Thursday, February 28, 2013

Paper Sculptures! Oh so pretty!!

Ok, here is our assignment:

Techniques For Manipulating Paper
  1. Folding (Origami + Packaging Prototypes)
  2. Coiling (Quilling)
  3. Subtractive: Cutting to remove negative space
  4. Additive: Cutting, Gluing and/or Taping (Free-formed construction)
  5. Cutting and Manipulating (Torque, Twist, Shear…)
Methods for Construction
  1. Slotted construction (Creating connections through junctions)
  2. Connections through contact (Edge to edge, edge to plane, plane to plane, volume to volume)
  3. Glue (White glue applies with brush, Glue Dots, Glue Strips, Hot Glue)
  4. Tape (Use clear so that it is not visible)
Layering and stacking with or without spacers
Design Considerations:
  1. Utilization of various elements of design: Color, light, shape (geometric, organic, amorphous), mass, volume, line, texture, space
  2. Exploration of various principles of design: Scale, proportion, proximity, directional force, repetition, balance, contrast, emphasis, subordination, unity and variety
  3. Experiment with gradation in shape, size, proportion, orientation, solidity, and density.
  4. Carefully consider detail and craftsmanship

    Make a paper sculpture between 2 and 4 feet high/width and/or.

    Here is some photos of paper sculptures that I found inspiring: 

     I really love this one.  It looks so delicate, billowy and airy, very flowerlike.

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