Thursday, February 21, 2013

Origami Pieces

So, today, I made approx. 50+ origami units to begin a prototype of my final design.  Simply using white computer paper, I made the triangular units.  I will begin the exploratory process soon of putting them together.

I've looked at three of these videos and found a cool magic ball origami shape to make.

This ball will represent a "fruit of life, or fruit of the tree, or a life from the sea."

I haven't decided what theme I am going to go with.  It has something to do with life, or organic life in general.  At first I was going to go with a Bonsai Tree, Tree of life idea, or Wind, Tree, Life, Fruit of Life, Or something do with the Ocean, Ocean wave, etc.  It has to be non-objective.

I also purchased Folding Techniques for Designers, from

I shopped online at to research papers that are easily foldable.  I haven't decided what colors I will use, especially depending on the theme.  I am concerned with the white walls that it will be displayed in.  I wanted to use iridescent vellum which is expensive.  Or a combination of red, violet red and black contrasting against bits of yellow, in a depth of blue, green and purple.

I shopped at Hobby Lobby for several hours and left with nothing, because I want to develop a prototype in cheap computer paper so I know exactly what to buy so I don't waste money.

I also found some thin fadeless art paper that I thought would be good to use for origami shapes or for thin cuts of paper.

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